Golf Tempo Drills To Perfect Your Swing Rhythm

In this golf tempo drills video, PGA pro Ben Emerson explains how to find the perfect rhythm for your swing

PGA pro Ben Emerson demonstrating his golf tempo drills to improve your swing rhythm
(Image credit: Future)

Having a good rhythm can be the bedrock of a solid and effective swing. It can be just as important as having the perfect golf grip or ensuring your golf swing posture is on point. With that in mind, we asked PGA pro Ben Emerson to share some golf tempo drills in the video and article below that will help you develop the perfect flow to your swing…

How fast or slow should you swing the golf club? It’s a common question golfers ask themselves as they look to get the most out of their games. But it’s a difficult one to answer as not everyone swings at the same speed naturally, and different tempos work for different people. Also, how wide your golf stance is will have a bearing on the speed of your swing as it can help or hinder the amount of rotation you're able to create.

Ultimately, there is no hard and fast rule when it comes to tempo, but there are some drills that are great for helping golfers find out the tempo that suits them best and that will allow them to extract every drop of performance out of themselves.

To set up the drill demonstrated by Ben in the video above, place three balls on tee pegs in a line, all about a foot apart. Then, with your driver, address the first ball and swing as slow as you can for a full swing. This is what we call ‘awareness speed swinging’ as getting a guide of exactly what is a slow swing will help you to find your desired tempo. You'll also notice that with a slower swing, you'll avoid creating too much spin with the driver.

Place three balls on tee pegs to set up this golf tempo drill

Place three balls on tee pegs to set up this golf tempo drill

(Image credit: Tom Miles)

Moving onto the second ball and this is where you want to empty the tank - channel your inner Bryson DeChambeau. This is an action probably best reserved for the driving range, but experiencing what it feels like to swing as fast as you possibly can will further heighten your senses and assist you in figuring out the tempo that suits your game best.

It's also one of the ways to get more power in your golf swing. And if this is the route you decide you want to go down, it's definitely worth understanding how launch angle and power are linked.

PGA pro Ben Emerson demonstrating his golf drill to improve your swing tempo

After taking it slow with the first shot, empty the tank when hitting the second ball

(Image credit: Future)

Unsurprisingly, on the final ball, you want to try and find a happy medium, settling on a tempo that feels natural. It won’t happen straight away, but over time, this drill will really help you hone the most suitable rhythm. 

Whether you generally have a faster swing or like to keep things smooth, that’s up to you, but having gone to both ends of the spectrum, you’ll be better equipped to trust your instincts on the range, and then take that to the course.

Ben Emerson
Top 50 Coach

Location: Sand Martins GC 

Ben’s modern approach to golf coaching has seen him become one of the most sought-after coaches in the country and teaches none other than Robbie Williams. His honest, modern and fun style of coaching has help thousands of golfers of all ages and abilities and he has been coaching for over 20 years.

Advice for practice:

Start with slow, small swings. If you can’t do it small and slowly there is not a hope in hell of doing it at full speed with a full swing! In other sports such as rugby or martial arts they slow learn new moves/plays before making them at full speed. 

Teaching philosophy: 

‘Why guess when you can access’ Ever new student goes through a full TPI movement screen, 3D motion capture and pressure plate analysis as well as TrackMan and 2D video analysis. Coaching is based on facts and not guess work. 

Most common problem:

A lack of clubface understanding and awareness. I get golfers to aim the clubface directly at the target and get them to make a slow swings and deliver the club to the ball with an open face, then repeat the same thing again but with a closed face, followed by one at the target. Giving them full awareness based on feelings errors to find a happy middle ground.