Round the clock putting drill video

Paul Foston has a great round the clock putting drill to help you improve from short range.


Golf Monthly Top 25 coach Paul Foston has a great round the clock putting drill to help you improve from short range.

Round the clock putting drill video

The key to putting a good score together is being able to hole those key 6 foot putts to keep your round going. If you can improve your conversion rate from this range your scores are guaranteed to improve.

Whether you've hit it close and you're desperate to convert the birdie putt, or you've missed the green and have a tester left to save par, holing putts from 6 feet is essential to reducing your handicap.

This round the clock drill is a fantastic way to prepare yourself. Place 12 balls around the hole in the formation shown here.

The idea is to move round the clock, holing all the four footers then moving onto the five footers and finally back to the six footers.

As you move round, each putt will have a slightly different, subtle break that you’ll need to read.

There's nothing more frustrating than watching a player practice the same putt with the same break time and time again. You only get one opportunity on the course!

Run through your usual pre-putt routine for each ball as this will help you feel comfortable when you are trying to make these for real.


Add pressure!

As soon as you miss one, go back to the start. This adds all-important pressure to the routine and will really test your nerve.

Whilst it's hard to replicate pressure in practice, the fear of having to start from the beginning will introduce an element of nerves on the last few putts.

Keep track of how many consecutive putts you can make in a 15-minute session and the next time you head to the practice putting green, try to beat your previous best. This will further test your nerve if you get close to beating your previous personal best.

Shot on location at Montgomerie Maxx Royal, Turkey by Paul Severn

Ben Emerson
Top 50 Coach

Location: Sand Martins GC 

Ben’s modern approach to golf coaching has seen him become one of the most sought-after coaches in the country and teaches none other than Robbie Williams. His honest, modern and fun style of coaching has help thousands of golfers of all ages and abilities and he has been coaching for over 20 years.

Advice for practice:

Start with slow, small swings. If you can’t do it small and slowly there is not a hope in hell of doing it at full speed with a full swing! In other sports such as rugby or martial arts they slow learn new moves/plays before making them at full speed. 

Teaching philosophy: 

‘Why guess when you can access’ Ever new student goes through a full TPI movement screen, 3D motion capture and pressure plate analysis as well as TrackMan and 2D video analysis. Coaching is based on facts and not guess work. 

Most common problem:

A lack of clubface understanding and awareness. I get golfers to aim the clubface directly at the target and get them to make a slow swings and deliver the club to the ball with an open face, then repeat the same thing again but with a closed face, followed by one at the target. Giving them full awareness based on feelings errors to find a happy middle ground.