Weak Golf Grip: What Is It And How To Fix It

In this video, PGA pro Ben Emerson discusses the weak golf grip and how to you can fix it

Weak golf grip
(Image credit: Future)

As is talked about a lot in golf instruction, your grip is the only thing connecting you to the club, so it plays a big part in how you deliver the club - square, open or closed. In the video and article below, PGA pro Ben Emerson discusses the weak golf grip and how you can fix it if it's giving you problems... 

Weak golf grip: What is it?

Many people struggle with how to grip a golf club. It's one of the basics that is essential to get right if you want to play to your ability. Having a weak grip can deprive you of that. 

It occurs when both hands are wrapped too far round to the left-hand side of the grip (right for left-handers). This makes it really hard to release the club properly and effectively, meaning the club tends to be open at impact, which leads to pushes, fades and even slices. 

Weak golf grip

A weak golf grip will look like this from face-on for right-handers

(Image credit: Future)

So, if you want to fix your slice, look at your lead hand first and you’ll notice you can only maybe see one knuckle or even less at address. In contrast, on the trail hand, you will be able to see too many knuckles - perhaps as many as three or four. If this is you, you've got a weak grip which could be the root cause of your troubles.

Weak golf grip: How to fix it

For those wondering what is a neutral golf grip, as a guide, you want to see around two knuckles of the left hand and two of the right when standing at address. But it will take some work to make this feel like second nature. 

To get into position, first, grip the club with your left hand only, making sure it is pointing square to your target, like Ben does in the video above. Then, see if you can hold the club with just the index finger and thumb in place, removing the other three fingers. This should work as the grip should be sitting on top of the pad of your hand, which provides support to keep the club in place.

Weak golf grip drill

Supporting the club using just your index finger and thumb is a great drill to fix your weak grip

(Image credit: Future)

However, if you can’t hold on to the club like that, then your grip is still too weak. Just as you would do if you had a strong golf grip, repeat this exercise until it becomes easy. It's a great feedback tool for golfers without getting too technical.

Once you’ve honed that drill, put the rest of the fingers back in position and you should be able to look down and see two or two-and-a-half knuckles in view on the lead hand.

From there, it's a case of slotting the right hand into position, on top of the left, still feeling like you’re gripping it with your fingers. If you can still see three or more knuckles, you’re not quite there yet. Like the opposite hand, repeat until it becomes second nature.

Once you've mastered this, you'll have the perfect golf grip which will allow you to control and release the club better, resulting in more powerful and accurate shots. Give it a go!

Ben Emerson
Top 50 Coach

Location: Sand Martins GC 

Ben’s modern approach to golf coaching has seen him become one of the most sought-after coaches in the country and teaches none other than Robbie Williams. His honest, modern and fun style of coaching has help thousands of golfers of all ages and abilities and he has been coaching for over 20 years.

Advice for practice:

Start with slow, small swings. If you can’t do it small and slowly there is not a hope in hell of doing it at full speed with a full swing! In other sports such as rugby or martial arts they slow learn new moves/plays before making them at full speed. 

Teaching philosophy: 

‘Why guess when you can access’ Ever new student goes through a full TPI movement screen, 3D motion capture and pressure plate analysis as well as TrackMan and 2D video analysis. Coaching is based on facts and not guess work. 

Most common problem:

A lack of clubface understanding and awareness. I get golfers to aim the clubface directly at the target and get them to make a slow swings and deliver the club to the ball with an open face, then repeat the same thing again but with a closed face, followed by one at the target. Giving them full awareness based on feelings errors to find a happy middle ground.