Andy Dunbar

Andy Dunbar

Top 50 Coach

Location: Stratford Oaks 

Andy is a PGA Advanced Professional with over 25 years' teaching experience. He has produced two British champions and 16 national champions, plus many county and club champions. He was England Ladies Coach for the Midlands for many years, and is currently Warwickshire County Coach for both the elite and junior squads. Andy is also a qualified NLP Sports Practitioner. 

Teaching philosophy:

Teach the individual. Find where he or she wants to go and then help them get there by realistic improvements in technique and developing the mental strengths to compliment this. Technically, the key is to develop a repetitive method set within the individuals' physical restraints and time available to practice. Keep things simple and enjoy the learning process.

Typical lesson:

For me, it starts with a chat on where the student is and what areas need improvement. This is followed by video or launch monitor analysis. It is crucial that the student understands what needs to be changed and why. Drills and exercises are then given to enable these changes. A practice plan is then given, working on one element at a time combining drills with hitting shots. I always finish the session with a few ‘free' shots without conscious thought. 

Students learn best when...

They are relaxed, enjoy the process and know where they are going.